Lists are spiffy

Lifted this from someone else on another site and you can't stop me.

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word:

1. Beer - Um, no thanks.

2. McDonalds - McNuggets w/Hot Mustard, please.

3. Love - *blank stare*

4. Lust - That would be nice.

5. Power Rangers - Go, Go Power Strangers! You mighty stupid Power Strangers.

6. Weed - Ortho Weed-B-Gone

7. Steroids - "We are here to PUMP you up!"

8. Cartoons - ReBoot is coming back!

9. The President - He would be funny if he weren't in charge.

10. Tupperware - It's a cult I tell you, a cult.

11. Florida - Been there, done that, didn't get the t-shirt.

12. Santa Claus - HO HO HO, or was that Yo Ho Ho? I can't remember.

13. Halloween - It always rains.

14. Alice - The Red Queen

15. Grammar - Nazis?

16. Myspace - Taken the place of AOL, a necessary evil.

17. Lime - Kermit The Frog... YAY!

19. Paris - Overhyped.

20. Cheese - Like it, hates me.

21. Red Heads - Yummy

22. Blondes - Nothing against them.

23. Class - undeclared

24. Sports - eh

25. Neverland - Tinkerbell

26. Pixies - Boston, MA

27. Vanilla - Ice Cream

29. Hooters - Never been

30. Pajamas - Naked

31. Underwear - Rather not, thanks.

32. Wet Socks - SQUISH!

33. Significant other - *blank stare*

34. Best Friend - Moving

35. Kids - You can have mine, I don't want him.

36. Bugs - Another necessary evil.

37. Roller Coasters - Bring it on!

38. Fun - Opposite of work.

39. Anger - No thanks.

40. Looks or personality - I have personality... you'd better, too. :)